The Supreme Court (2)

 Supreme court - Wikipedia

The Supreme Court of the United States is one of the most important aspects of our Government today. The SCOTUS was originally established in 1789 as part of the constitution. At first, the Supreme Court was not as widely recognized and as powerful as it is today. Many changes and additions have been made to the Supreme Court over the years leading up to modern-day. Currently, there are nine justices who serve on the Supreme Court to determine cases. Justices are nominated by presidents and serve for much longer than the president does. The job of these judges is to determine if the constitution is being applied used fairly regarding all citizen's rights. Once appointed a Justice may serve for as long as they would like until they decide to retire or pass away where a new justice would then be appointed. Most of these Justices end up serving for 15 to 30 years. 


After learning all of this new information regarding the Supreme Court, one of the most important takeaways I have is how the Justices may disagree during a trial then afterward they all take time to write their opinions. Which they ultimately try and convince or persuade each other to agree with one another. I found this very interesting as well as how long it takes for this process to happen. It can take months for this process and as soon as it is released the journalists are there immediately. Within minutes headlines and stories are posted regarding the verdict and how it was reached. Something very surprising that I learned was the number of cases that are actually tried in the supreme court. I was under the impression it was used way more than it actually is. In reality, there are only about one hundred cases a year that are run through the Supreme Court and the Justices. Another surprising fact I learned was how much power the Supreme Court actually has. All of the most important cases every year are given to the court then only a handful from all of those cases are then given to the justices to bring to the courtroom. The Supreme Court also has the power during the impeachment trials of a president. After watching the videos and reading the history article my view on the Supreme Court has changed drastically. Beforehand I had little knowledge regarding what the Supreme Court does and how much power the justices really have. 


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