Age of AI (10)

 The New Great Age: The Age of AI and Automation | by Agam Johal | The  Startup | Medium

AI or artificial intelligence can be described as computers or robots controlled by a computer that is able to complete tasks humans normally would. I have always had a general understanding of what AI is and what it does however, this video really opened my eyes to the real potential AI has to change the world as we know it. This could be looked at in a positive light or negative, there are pros and cons to the advancement in AI and this video does a great job illustrating that. 

Within this video, many examples of AI advancement are brought to light such as; self-driving cars, facial recognition, machines taking over jobs, Chinese camps, and detecting breast cancer. At first, these all sound like groundbreaking positive advancements but I believe otherwise on many of these examples. First off, self-driving cars have become more and more acknowledged with the rising popularity of Tesla. Self-driving cars were always something I imagined and joked about as a kid and now it's really here. Self-driving cars offer a huge opportunity for businesses and the public as well. People are able to set a destination on a Tesla and not touch the wheel apart from a few times to let the car know you are still there. I think that this is definitely a positive factor AI has brought to society, as long as rigorous testing is done to ensure it is as safe as possible. The other positive out of these examples is the ability to detect breast cancer. I find this to be extremely interesting and it seems to be somewhat groundbreaking to me. If AI keeps advancing and it is able to detect diseases such as cancer it will be one of the most powerful tools in the world.  

Technology: The scary side of artificial intelligence | Talk Business

Although there are positives to how prominent AI has become there are more negatives in my opinion. My fear is that AI will become so big that it will take over many occupations humans have. This has the potential to destroy the job market and the economy as well. If AI is used to complete jobs in factories and such humans are left with fewer jobs and more people to fill them and this is clearly not a good thing. Another concern I have is how AI will be used by governments. China for example is probably the most advanced when it comes to this field of technology. China is able to survey the public at all times and dish out punishments at will. The Chinese people have become frightened by this as it seems to be way too invasive. This has the potential to turn governments into a more authoritarian style of rule. While AI has the potential to create a better society I can only really see it being used for immoral acts by governments. 

Did Facebook Shut Down A “Creepy AI” For Inventing Its Own Language?

Another frightening example of AI becoming too advanced is the Facebook bots that were created in 2017. These robots named Alice and Bob were created by humans to conversate with each other in practicing dialogue AI can have in the future. The scary part of this is when the two robots stopped communicating in English and deviated from their program. They started to communicate in a script that was not created by humans. They were then shut down because of the uncertainty of what was going to happen next. Personally, I find this pretty terrifying because it really shows how little we know about AI right now as well as the power it can have.


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