Anti War Voices (5)

 Resistance and Revolution: The Anti-Vietnam War Movement at the University  of Michigan, 1965-1972

Gen Z has been the only generation so far to be at war their whole lives. This has caused war to become more normalized and people expect it at this point. Quite frankly that is sad because the U.S has not always been like this. The U.S used to be somewhat isolated and against entering or instigating wars overseas but obviously, this has changed. Back when the U.S was like this, I believe that the American population and economy were much better. This is because war is not good for any party involved. War is very expensive in a lot of ways. War costs an extreme amount of money to send troops, vehicles, weapons, and other supplies overseas. War is also not good for the economy either, being in war for such an extended period of time has an effect on inflation, tax rates, budget cuts, etc. Also not to mention the number of heroic lives that are lost every single day in battle just so U.S citizens can live free. In essence, war is not free and it has major negative effects that come along with it, resulting in a net negative situation. 

Social Media War Infographic on Behance

Anti-war voices have been around as long as wars have been around however, you may not see or hear them very often. The U.S and the media have always done a good job suppressing certain voices and anti-war voices fall under that category. The main media outlets are all owned by the same type of people and have ties in with the government. This is why you only see certain messages and not others. There are plenty of anti-war voices out there but the news does not report on it. This is because it goes against the agenda the government and these powerful news outlets are trying to push. Looking over really illustrates this message well. Even after looking at this website for five to ten minutes, you see more information on what is actually happening overseas than the news has given citizens in months. Once again I believe this is because the mainstream news outlets that everybody watches are not permitted to report deeply, truthfully, or even accurately on these topics because it would not follow the agenda being pushed by the government at the moment. 


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