EOTO 1 (4)

The inventor of Bluetooth on where wireless is going next | Engadget

    The technology I was assigned to research was Bluetooth. It was invented in 1994 by Jaap Haartsen who is from Sweden. Haartsen attended the Delft University of Technology, receiving a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Jaap Haartsen has been in the field of wireless communications for around 25 years to this point. Haartsen was tasked with finding a solution for short-range audio connections that would add functionality to mobile phones that would cause new sales. Mobile phones were just starting to come onto the scene during this time so many people did not know too much about them or how they worked exactly. By adding the Bluetooth functionality it created a new feature that people could be excited about. With the invention of Bluetooth, he was able to play a factor in the creation of the Bluetooth special interest group which was founded four years after Bluetooth was invented, in 1998. Jaap Haartsen worked extremely hard to get Bluetooth technology adopted and approved worldwide. He served as a chairman for a specifications group from 1998 to 2000 working with others to get Bluetooth a part of new mobile devices. 

Flashback: a brief history of Bluetooth - GSMArena.com news

    The first Bluetooth device released to the public was actually a headset in 1999. This was a hands-free way of communicating that people had not seen before. Along with this, the Bluetooth 1.0 specification was introduced this year which included the release of dongles, mice, and wireless PC cards all equipped with Bluetooth technology. A year later in 2000, the first mobile phone with Bluetooth was produced, the Ericcson T36. However, this was not released to the public, it was improved to the Ericcson T39 model which was put onto shelves in 2001. This model was definitely ahead of its time equipped with enough storage for 1,000 contacts which is pretty crazy to think about. In essence, this device was something the public had never seen before. People were astonished to see this hit the shelves and realize the capabilities it had. Of course, in modern-day we look back on that and think to ourselves how did people use and survive with that. But contrary to what you may think the Ericcson T39 model was almost as surprising and new to society as the first iPhone. 
Bluetooth Smart Improvements Appear in More Devices - The New York Times

    Bluetooth has changed the way we view and use technology every day. Since initially coming out Bluetooth has come a very long way and is integrated into essentially every critical piece of technology we use as a society. For example, it is used in cars, computers, mobile phones, headphones/earbuds, gaming, and even smart homes. Bluetooth allows for you to connect a mouse, keyboard, or speaker to your computer with no wires involved. It also allows you to transfer files and airdrop from device to device which is an efficient and seamless way to communicate. Bluetooth in cars and homes has also become very advanced. Within your home, you can wirelessly control the temperature, lights, doors, alarms, and even appliances. In the gaming world, you can use a wireless Bluetooth headset and communicate with others also playing the same game from as far as you would like. All of these examples really emphasize how far Bluetooth has evolved since coming out in 1994. Nobody had expected Bluetooth technology to excel to the point it is at now, so that begs the question where will it continue to go? As a society we use Bluetooth so much every single day it is almost overlooked and just taken for granted. We are able to enjoy hands-free driving which was a huge advancement that also provides better safety than before regarding texting and driving. Bluetooth has its many upsides of course however, there are some downsides to this type of technology. For example, sending files from one device to another since there is no wired connection there is always a chance that files can be lost in the cloud between devices. This is why there is still an argument from some folks that staying "old school" is a safer way to collect data and send files etc. Overall I believe that Bluetooth was an invention that was ahead of its time and has exceeded expectations of where it would reach. It has had a huge impact on how we communicate as a society and in my opinion, all of these positive impacts by far outweigh the negatives. 





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