
Showing posts from November, 2021

EOTO 1 (4)

     The technology I was assigned to research was Bluetooth. It was invented in 1994 by Jaap Haartsen who is from Sweden. Haartsen attended the Delft University of Technology, receiving a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Jaap Haartsen has been in the field of wireless communications for around 25 years to this point. Haartsen was tasked with finding a solution for short-range audio connections that would add functionality to mobile phones that would cause new sales. Mobile phones were just starting to come onto the scene during this time so many people did not know too much about them or how they worked exactly. By adding the Bluetooth functionality it created a new feature that people could be excited about. With the invention of Bluetooth, he was able to play a factor in the creation of the Bluetooth special interest group which was founded four years after Bluetooth was invented, in 1998. Jaap Haartsen worked extremely hard to get Bluetooth technology adopted and approved worldwide

Eight Values of Free Expression (3)

       I personally believe that all eight values of expression are of the utmost importance in today's society in the United States. In today's day and age, all of these values need to continue to be protected as we use them all in our everyday American lives. The United States was founded on these values and expressions, we would not have our core values as a country and the first amendment if it was not for these values and expressions. The independence of our country lies in these values, which include; the marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect decent.       As I previously stated, all of these expressions are important however, the one that resonates with me the most would have to be protecting decent. I believe that in the modern age protecting decent continuously gets more and more important. This is because freedom of speech has b

The Supreme Court (2)

  The Supreme Court of the United States is one of the most important aspects of our Government today. The SCOTUS was originally established in 1789 as part of the constitution. At first, the Supreme Court was not as widely recognized and as powerful as it is today. Many changes and additions have been made to the Supreme Court over the years leading up to modern-day. Currently, there are nine justices who serve on the Supreme Court to determine cases. Justices are nominated by presidents and serve for much longer than the president does. The job of these judges is to determine if the constitution is being applied used fairly regarding all citizen's rights. Once appointed a Justice may serve for as long as they would like until they decide to retire or pass away where a new justice would then be appointed. Most of these Justices end up serving for 15 to 30 years.  After learning all of this new information regarding the Supreme Court, one of the most important takeaways I have is h

Top 5 News Sources (1)

 1. Fox News  In general, I do not watch news channels on TV a ton however when I do I watch Fox. This is because I enjoy listening to Tucker Carlson and what he has to say on certain topics. I also like how they bring guests on the Tucker Carlson show to discuss topics and issues more in-depth. I am also aware of Fox having a bit of a bias to the right politically and I do keep that in mind when watching.  2. ESPN My next top source for news would have to be ESPN. I love watching all kinds of sports and I am a fan of several different teams in different leagues and ESPN allows me to keep up with all of them at once. I get several notifications about players and teams that interest me and normally I would not get this information anywhere else. I also enjoy watching ESPN on TV especially sports center which provides a recap on a bunch of sporting events. In general, I use ESPN all the time and it is definitely one of my top sources for news.  3.  Instagram Instagram would have to be an