
Top 5 News Sources

Technology in My Life (11) (Final)

  Technology has a major impact on everyone's life whether we are willing to acknowledge it or not. The creation of the internet, iPhones, social media, etc. has impacted society more than words can describe. Just think to yourself, where would we be as a society without all of these advancements in technology? Having said that, technology definitely has its pros and cons. There are certainly many drawbacks despite all the good it has done for society. Technology and social media specifically have had a major impact on this current generation's mental health. The number of young children and teens with mental issues now is insane. So many teens have depression and social anxiety as a result of social media and the overuse of technology. Kids are growing up nowadays staring at a screen for 8 to 10 hours a day which causes them to have a lack of social skills when it comes to in-person interactions. Technology has the ability to impact your life in an amazing way but it also has

Age of AI (10)

  AI or artificial intelligence can be described as computers or robots controlled by a computer that is able to complete tasks humans normally would. I have always had a general understanding of what AI is and what it does however, this video really opened my eyes to the real potential AI has to change the world as we know it. This could be looked at in a positive light or negative, there are pros and cons to the advancement in AI and this video does a great job illustrating that.  Within this video, many examples of AI advancement are brought to light such as; self-driving cars, facial recognition, machines taking over jobs, Chinese camps, and detecting breast cancer. At first, these all sound like groundbreaking positive advancements but I believe otherwise on many of these examples. First off, self-driving cars have become more and more acknowledged with the rising popularity of Tesla. Self-driving cars were always something I imagined and joked about as a kid and now it's real

Diffusion (9)

  The Diffusion of Innovations theory describes the pattern and speed of new innovations and how they are adopted into society. There are five stages in which this theory occurs. First is the innovators of course, these are the people who create the product being introduced into society. These are the business owners or CEOs most of the time and interestingly enough much of the public does not really know who created the apps and technologies used in their everyday life. Next are the early adopters, these are the people who find interest in the new technology/product being released. Early adopters often participate in the beta stages of the product or become early investors as well, this group of people is very important to the success of a new product. Next is the early majority, these people are the bigger investors as opposed to the early adopters. The early majority are early enough to see the potential in a product and early enough to get in before it is too late. This stage is ve

EOTO 2 (8)

  The term/concept I was assigned for this assignment was CIA black sites. Many people may not know what this is hearing it at first. This is because it has been kept a secret for a very long time intentionally. CIA black sites refer to sites controlled by the CIA and owned by the U.S government. These sites are mainly found in war territories or overseas in allies territory. The purpose of these sites is to detain, imprison, and question enemy soldiers, combatants, or terrorists.  CIA black sites originated in 2006 under President Bush. The program was suggested by some military officials as well as officials within the CIA/government. The program was posed to use "enhanced interrogation methods" to gain information from enemy soldiers. In 2007, after a year of this program, President Bush gave the go-ahead to continue these black sites. This is where questions are raised because of details that have surfaced recently.   The CIA as well as the government has gone to great le

Privacy, online and off (7)

Privacy has always been something people want and feel they deserve as a citizen. I am one of those citizens that believes I should be granted privacy. This is not because I am or have done anything "sketchy" or plan to. It is more of a comfort factor knowing my personal business and whatnot is private and is information I chose to disclose, not a website or the government. In these TED Talk videos, I was able to learn quite a lot of new information that shocked me to be quite honest. The level of surveillance and privacy breaching that has been going on is crazy to me. For example, in Juan Enriquez's TED Talk he discusses how your digital footprint lasts forever essentially. He states that every single thing you do on the internet follows you and is a tattoo on you for the rest of your life. That sounds pretty extreme, maybe because it is. He discusses that your every move on the internet can be traced back to you with no problem which is very scary. Another scary subjec

EOTO Reflection (6)

  In class I was able to listen to many interesting presentations. One of the presentations that stood out to me was the invention of the television. I really found this interesting because it made me realize how the TV has actually impacted society and each individual person. The invention of the TV completely changed history. I learned that the TV was created in the early 1900s and was originally slow motion pictures moving across a screen. It was then advanced to black and white movies, and after that broadcasting was an option through televisions. For some reason, this topic and presentation really stood out to me. It made me think how different things would be in society without TV. This is for two reasons. One, would we even have social media and phones if it weren't for the originiation of the TV? Second, there are so many monumental moments that were captured on television like the Nixon and JFK debate as well as war broadcasts and of course 9/11. History would be completel

Anti War Voices (5)

  Gen Z has been the only generation so far to be at war their whole lives. This has caused war to become more normalized and people expect it at this point. Quite frankly that is sad because the U.S has not always been like this. The U.S used to be somewhat isolated and against entering or instigating wars overseas but obviously, this has changed. Back when the U.S was like this, I believe that the American population and economy were much better. This is because war is not good for any party involved. War is very expensive in a lot of ways. War costs an extreme amount of money to send troops, vehicles, weapons, and other supplies overseas. War is also not good for the economy either, being in war for such an extended period of time has an effect on inflation, tax rates, budget cuts, etc. Also not to mention the number of heroic lives that are lost every single day in battle just so U.S citizens can live free. In essence, war is not free and it has major negative effects that come alo